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Jan 28th, 2009 by admin
- “Smoking Against Your Will”, a Canadian/B.C. Lung Association video that must be at least 20 years old by now, runs about half an hour I think and makes some very good points that are just as critical/valid today as they were 20 years ago. For example, one fellow in the video says there should be no No Smoking signs… only ‘smoking permitted’ signs. If a smoker doesn’t see a ‘smoking permitted’ sign, they don’t smoke, period…no matter where they are (yes, even in the great outdoors).
- “The Insider” (movie), Russell Crowe’s first big American movie, in which he played the role of former Brown & Williamson scientist Jeffrey Wigand. One would think that in researching and playing that role, Crowe would never be caught dead smoking, on screen or off. But in his very next film, A Beautiful Mind (released within a year or two of The Insider), Crowe’s character smokes;
- The Runaway Jury
(the book), a fictional yet very plausible/realistic look at how the TI operates behind the scenes. Written by John Grisham, it soon became a #1 best-seller. Then, of course, somebody decided to make a movie based on the book…with one minor adjustment: Since “The Insider” was still fresh in peoples’ minds, there was no point in doing another movie about tobacco…so the movie version of “The Runaway Jury” was about guns and/or gun control! Imagine how short John Wayne’s career would have been if, after his first cowboy movie, somebody had said, “We’ve already had a cowboy movie, better make the next one a _____ (fill in the blank) movie; and, on the lighter side…
- Thank You for Smoking: A Novel
A funny, fictional, yet very plausible/realistic look at the mentality of an average tobacco executive.